Sunday, January 15, 2012

Chalkboard Paint

If you know me you know I LOVE Chalkboards.
I have 3 in my house.
My dream is to own a home one day and paint my ENTIRE kitchen wall with chalkboard paint and use it for notes, menus and lists.

I also love the planet and what better way to not waste paper.

I came across this recipe for chalkboard paint today on Pinterest.
Thank You Salt Tree for posting!
This could save you some $ and you could make mini boards for the car or gifts!!

1 Cup of latex house paint or acrylic craft paint
1 TBSP of non-sanded tile grout

Mix together until there are no lumps.

Paint your surface with the mixture.  Use a small roller for a smoother finish. A brush will give you some textured ridges when it dries (I used a brush).

Let it dry completely.

If you find the chalkboard surface is too rough once dried, sand the surface lightly with a fine grit sand paper, then, using the side of a piece of chalk, rub it across the entire surface of the board. Wipe off the chalk afterwards. This can help give you a smoother surface.

Clean with a damp cloth.

Let me know how it goes!!

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